

In this page, I list links to noteworthy intactivist resources. This page will be updated as I find them, so check back periodically.

Circumcision News Updates
IntactNews (Like them on Facebook!)
Circumstitions News

Ongoing HIV/Circumcision Hoax
Male Circumcision and HIV (Like them on Facebook!)
HIV, AIDS and Circumcision (Like them on Facebook!)
Don't Get Stuck With HIV
HIV in Kenya

Noteworthy Blogs
Men Do Complain
Ending Unnecessary Male Circumcision in the UK (Like them on Facebook!)
Choose Intact
Swazi Media Commentary

Intactivist Organizations
Intact America (Like them on Facebook!) (They've also got a blog.)
NOCIRC (Like them on Facebook!)
Genital Autonomy (Like them on Facebook!)
End Routine Infant Circumcision (ERIC) (Like them on Facebook!)

Intactivist Networks
The WHOLE Network (Like them on Facebook!)
Intact Network (Like them on Facebook!)

Physician Organizations
Doctors Opposing Circumcision (Like them on Facebook!)
Nurses for the Rights of the Child (Like them on Facebook!)

Attorneys for the Rights of the Child (ARClaw) (Like them on Facebook!)
David Llewellyn - Circumcision Lawyer (Like them on Facebook!)

Jewish Circumcision Resource Center
Jews Against Circumcision
Beyond the Bris

Information for Parents (All parenting issues, not just circumcision; great group.)
Peaceful Parenting (Like them on Facebook!)

Foreskin Restoration
Restoring Tally
Foregen (Like them on Facebook!)

Comprehensive Intactivist Resources (Like them on Facebook!)
NORM-UK (Like them on Facebook!)
Circumcision Resource Center - The Intactivism Pages (Like them on Facebook!)