
Thursday, April 2, 2020

New Educational Film On Circumcision Makes the Scene

My Facebook news feed tells me that a new educational film is joining the line-up of films that address the topic of male infant circumcision.

The very first film I ever encountered on the topic was Cut: The Film by Jewish filmmaker Eliyahu Ungar Sargon.

The second was the film American Circumcision by award-winning filmmaker Brendon Marotta.

But now, yet another, brand-new educational film on male infant circumcision has been released; The Circumcision Movie had been in the works and is finally available to view.

According to a Facebook user whom I've decided to keep anonymous for privacy, The Circumcision Movie is a very informational movie that is perfect for someone who is new to the topic of circumcision.

How does this new film compare to Brendon Marotta's American circumcision?

According to the Facebook user,  American Circumcision is a documentary about circumcision and many of it's broad implications of it. It is a 2-hour-long film that covers the intactivist movement, the influential people behind it, the rise of circumcision in America and the world, its position in science, medicine, culture, and more.

In contrast, The Circumcision Movie is much shorter, and focuses on parents and healthcare providers. It's more of a conversation with people who were considering it for their sons, along with the voices of doctors, regret parents, and people affected by it. It furthermore discusses religious perspectives, cultural, family and medical perspectives.

The film is available via the Your Whole Baby online shop, as well as the movie's website in both digital and DVD format.

Related Posts:
"American Circumcision" Wins Best Documentary Film Award at the Lone Star Film Festival

Circumcision Documentary Making Waves on Netflix, Twitter

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